Conditional Image Generation with PixelCNN Decoders


Posted by zcy on November 4, 2017


  • PixelRNNs generate new images pixel by pixel (and row by row) via LSTMs (or other RNNs).
  • Each pixel is therefore conditioned on the previously generated pixels.
  • Training of PixelRNNs is slow due to the RNN-architecture (hard to parallelize).
  • Previously PixelCNNs have been suggested, which use masked convolutions during training (instead of RNNs), but their image quality was worse.
  • They suggest changes to PixelCNNs that improve the quality of the generated images (while still keeping them faster than RNNs).

Pixel CNN

  • PixelRNNs split up the distribution p(image) into many conditional probabilities, one per pixel, each conditioned on all previous pixels: p(image) = <product> p(pixel i | pixel 1, pixel 2, ..., pixel i-1).
  • PixelCNNs implement that using convolutions, which are faster to train than RNNs.
  • These convolutions uses masked filters, i.e. the center weight and also all weights right and/or below the center pixel are 0 (because they are current/future values and we only want to condition on the past).
  • In most generative models, several layers are stacked, ultimately ending in three float values per pixel (RGB images, one value for grayscale images). PixelRNNs (including this implementation) traditionally end in a softmax over 255 values per pixel and channel (so 3*255 per RGB pixel).
  • The following image shows the application of such a convolution with the softmax output (left) and the mask for a filter (right):
  • Pixel CNN use Masked Convulution
  • Blind spot: Pixel CNN gain infomation from top-3 pixiel, so that some infomation could be ignored.
  • Using the mask on each convolutional filter effectively converts them into non-squared shapes (the green values in the image).
  • Advantage: Using such non-squared convolutions prevents future values from leaking into present values.
  • Disadvantage: Using such non-squared convolutions creates blind spots, i.e. for each pixel, some past values (diagonally top-right from it) cannot influence the value of that pixel.
  • They combine horizontal (1xN) and vertical (Nx1) convolutions to prevent that.

Gated convolutions

  • PixelRNNs via LSTMs so far created visually better images than PixelCNNs.
  • They assume that one advantage of LSTMs is, that they (also) have multiplicative gates, while stacked convolutional layers only operate with summations.
  • They alleviate that problem by adding gates to their convolutions:
    • Equation: output image = tanh(weights_1 + image) <element-wise product> sigmoid(weights_2 + image)
    • * is the convolutional operator.
    • tanh(weights_1 + image) is a classical convolution with tanh activation function.
    • sigmoid(weights_2 + image) are the gate values (0 = gate closed, 1 = gate open).
    • weights_1 and weights_2 are learned.

Conditional PixelCNNs

  • When generating images, they do not only want to condition the previous values, but also on a laten vector h that describes the image to generate.
  • The new image distribution becomes: p(image) = <product> p(pixel i | pixel 1, pixel 2, ..., pixel i-1, h).
  • To implement that, they simply modify the previously mentioned gated convolution, adding h to it:
    • Equation: output image = tanh(weights_1 + image + weights_2 . h) <element-wise product> sigmoid(weights_3 + image + weights_4 . h)
    • . denotes here the matrix-vector multiplication.

PixelCNN Autoencoder

  • The decoder in a standard autoencoder can be replaced by a PixelCNN, creating a PixelCNN-Autoencoder.


  • They achieve similar NLL-results as PixelRNN on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, while training about twice as fast.
  • Using Conditional PixelCNNs on ImageNet (i.e. adding class information to each convolution) did not improve the NLL-score, but it did improve the image quality.
  • They use a different neural network to create embeddings of human faces. Then they generate new faces based on these embeddings via PixelCNN.
  • Their PixelCNN-Autoencoder generates significantly sharperimages than a “normal” autoencoder.