Maximum Likelihood — Find $\theta$ to maximize $P(X)$, where $X$ is the data.
$z \sim P(z)$, which we can sample from
Naive solution
Approximate with samples of z
- Need a lot of samples of z and most of the P(X|z) ≈ 0
- Not practical computationally
Key question 1
Is it possible to know which $z$ will generate $P(X|z) » 0$? Solution: Learn a distribution $Q(z)$, where $z \sim Q(z)$ generates $P(X|z) » 0$
Assume we can learn a distribution $Q(z)$, where $z \sim Q(z)$ generates $P(X|z) » 0$
We want $P(X) = E_{z \sim P(z)}P(X|z)$, but not practical.
We can compute $E_{z \sim Q(z)}P(X|z)$, more practical.
How does $E_{z \sim Q(z)}P(X|z)$ and $P(X)$ relate? Using KL Divergence
finally we will get
- KL divergence is always > 0.
- $\text{log} P(X) > \text{log} P(X) - D[Q(z) || P(z|X)] $
- Maximize the lower bound instead
Key question 2
How do we get $Q(z)$ ?
- Using $Q(z|X)$ instead
- Model $Q(z|X)$ with a neural network
- Assume $Q(z|X)$ to be Gaussian, $N(\mu, c⋅I)$
- Neural network outputs the mean $\mu$, and diagonal covariance matrix $c⋅I$
- Input: Image, Output: Distribution
Convert the lower bound to a loss function
- Model $P(X|z)$ with a neural network, let $f(z)$ be the network output.
- Assume $P(X|z)$ to be i.i.d. Gaussian
- $X = f(z) + \epsilon$ , where $\epsilon \sim N(0,I)$
- Simplifies to an L2 loss: $||X-f(z)||^2 $
- Assume $P(z) \sim N(0,I)$ then $D[Q(z|X) || P(z)]$ has a closed form solution
Reparametrization Trick : enable bp to encoder
$z \sim N(\mu, \sigma)$ is equivalent to $\mu+\sigma⋅\epsilon$, where $\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)$
Repeat till convergence: $X^M$ <– Random minibatch of M examples from X $\epsilon$ <– Sample M noise vectors from $N(0, I)$ Compute Loss L (i.e. run a forward pass in the neural network) Gradient descent on L to updated Encoder and Decoder.
Sample $z \sim N(0,I)$ and pass it through the Decoder
Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion -
Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection