Related work
- diffusion-based image synthesis: histograms of local features
- patch-based approaches: PatchMatch
- CNN-based: limited to very small and thin masks
- context encoder-based approach: based on GAN
Figure 1: network of context encoder-based approach
Convolutional neural networks
A completion network
Two additional networks: the global and the local context discriminator networks
dilated convolution: 99x99 to 307x307
Figure 2: network of this paper
Loss function
- MSE loss:
- GAN loss:
- Total loss:
Trianing algorithm
Comparison with ExistingWork
Arbitrary Region Completion
Center Region Completion
Global and Local Consistency
Object Removal
Faces and Facades
- CelebFaces Attributes Dataset: 202, 599
- the CMP Facade dataset: 606
Limitations and Discussion
square masks, especially when inpainting mask is at the border of the image
heavily structured object, is partially masked
** Figure 3:** User study on the [Hays and Efros 2007] dataset. We compare Ground Truth (GT) images, [Hays and Efros 2007] (Hays), CE [Pathak et al. 2016], and our approach
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